Saturday, September 27, 2008


There's a field down the road that we walk past every day with the dogs. It's an empty field that I've never seen a sign of human life at - until this week.

Early in the week, mowers came out and mowed it until it looked spiffy. A few days later a little hut on wheels appeared in the middle of the field. A day after that, men in pickup trucks brought three or four more little huts, and some bright orange temporary fencing that they put up all over the place.

After all that work, the field was ready to do its duty. Today, a great many country folk showed up towing trailers full of snowmobiles!! Some sort of non-snow snowmobile race took place, and you can bet we went and gawked for a while. There were a lot of gawkers - tons of people were buzzing around the general area on ATVs, bicycles, and horses. I noticed this teensy tiny ATV beside one of the snowmobiles - cute, huh?

It was actually not quite as much fun as I had hoped - I mean, people racing snowmobiles without any snow? That has a lot of potential in my books. But nobody crashed or got drunk and rowdy, alas. If you find it exciting to watch snowmobiles rip up grass and dirt for approximately ten seconds per race, well, that was all that happened.

I got some pictures anyway.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Whatever it takes to entertain you rural folk!