Friday, September 26, 2008

A Fell Wind

So word around the neighbourhood is that the tropical storm/hurricane we are expecting this weekend might be worse than Hurricane Juan was a few years back. (Non-Nova Scotians: Juan decimated parts of the province, ripping up roads, smashing cars with trees, and destroying large sections of the waterfront.)

But... I find it extremely hard to take a hurricane seriously when it's named KYLE. It's like, it should be teaching the other hurricanes to play tennis or re-decorating their houses for them. Oh Kyle, with your peppy back-hand and your instinctive sense of style, please don't tip over my travel trailer!



So anyway, Tropical Storm Kyle, or possibly Hurricane Kyle by the time it gets here, is coming to visit. I don't really care because I can't possibly take it seriously. Am I the only one that feels this way?

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