Monday, July 06, 2009

Weekend Play-By-Play

We've been hiking in pretty places recently.

I feel like we're running five million different directions lately though. I think the addition of three cats too many has made the house feel hectic when it comes to the daily clean-up. (Remember? Kittens are messy.) But outside the house we've been doing tons of stuff every day. It's all fun, but it's making life feel really busy these days.

We went out of town shopping on the weekend and bought a new bathroom counter on a whim. I felt so very satisfied when we easily slid six feet of counter-top into the back of our new car - yay, Kia Rondo! Way to be handy!

Then we rushed back to town to support our friend Chani, who is the mayor of her community. She was putting on the community's famous Strawberry Supper this past weekend, and mmm-boy was it good. Chani ran things in the kitchen and fed upwards of 200 people a hot meal (with no power or potable water mind you) and the boys stayed outside and washed dishes. They even had uniforms.

One of the people in the above picture is a computer programmer. Another is a dentist, and yet another is a trucker. We don't know what the fourth guy does - let's call him Mystery Man. Extra credit: make guesses. Who is who?

The next day our friends showed up bright and early (with home-made, still-warm cinnamon rolls even!) and helped us rip our house apart.


We finally pulled down the crumbling plaster surrounding our new front door and put up drywall. It's not even painted or anything, and it already looks a million times better.

Then everyone ripped apart part of our kitchen, and then they left. The house looked like a demolition site. I guess it was, actually. We madly cleaned up, went to two more social engagements on Sunday, came home and mowed the lawn as the sun set, and got up and went to work this morning. So much stuff!

And on top of it all? We have this to deal with:

Oh, kittens. Cute, fuzzy kittens.

It's now past time for the daily animal clean-up, so I need to wrap this up. I half-promise to post before/after pictures of the new drywall by the front door once we get it painted.

1 comment:

chani said...

The man in the pink tutu is artist Cluny Maher, one of the more famous tuppervillains...after myself of course