Thursday, July 30, 2009

Low Tide = Bigger Beach!

The space bar on my keyboard is kind of broken - gah, it's so annoying to use right now!

So Mark's brother and his kids have been visiting from B.C. and we all went to the beach. The kids are six and eight, and know the names of like every single type of rock on the beach. They collected a bunch, and I took pictures of the ones I liked.

We happened to be at the beach when the tide was sort of low. The beaches in our area experience the lowest tides in the world, so "sorta low" was plenty good enough to see neat things. You can see the high water line in this here picture:

The kids liked the beach even more than the go-carts we'd taken them on earlier in the day, so we stayed for quite a while - until sunset, actually.

I wandered around with my camera and breathed in the Atlantic air and looked at all the neat things to look at, and thought to myself: "we should come here much more often".

It's a valid thought, but I just don't see it happening unless we make an effort to jam it into our schedule. Maybe we should make it the Sunday afternoon walk or something, every week.

Mark's nephew fell on some sharp barnacles at the beach.

It just occurred to me that when this happened, I should maybe have offered some assistance instead of asking if I could take a picture.

He lived though, so all is well. Except my keyboard. My spacebar is still broken.


Unknown said...

1. rocks are fucking cool.

2. my D key barely works as of a few days ago.


Gramma Lannon said...

omg,if that had been a cut dog you would have thrown it in the car and whistled it off to the nearest vet. Cool picture though.