Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sick but Busy

I'm sick.

I spent most of yesterday sleeping, which is a shame because we had planned on going up to the farm (CAPS headquarters) and volunteering to sort a shipment of cat and dog food.

I had to stay home and sleep, so Mark went by himself. It turns out that a bunch of our friends were all there, and the shipment didn't arrive, so Mark sat around socializing and eating cheesecake. Even if I had known that that was the plan, I still think I would have stayed home - I was totally zonked. I'm feeling a bit better today though.

So Fezzik got adopted! Well, almost. Our rescue group sends dogs out on a one-week trial run as a rule, which in my experience is unusual, but that's how it works around here. So Fezzik's new owner signed all the paperwork and paid her fee, but was told that everything can be reversed for up to one week if things aren't working out.

I'd be surprised if we saw him again - she's experienced with Pit Bulls and Fezzik is a pretty good dog. So since he's gone, they sent Mark home from the farm with another foster dog named Cooper. He's a Foxhound and has never been in a house before. He has NO IDEA what to do, and doesn't even have an inkling that there might be things to learn from us. He reminds me of a Greyhound fresh off the track in his total cluelessness about being a pet.

Lots of dogs lately, huh? It's a needed thing. Fezzik might be dead now if we hadn't agreed to quarantine him here. Instead, he has a new home and a bright future.

Our house has been measured and we ordered our new siding. I'm guessing it'll be about a month before it arrives. We're going to measure the yard for the fence sometime soon, but we'll still be holding off putting it up until Santa Claus our neighbour arrives home for the summer.

Now, the goal this week is to not still be sick by the time I have to go to work on Tuesday.


Gramma Lannon said...

omg does that mean that Cooper isn't at all house trained? That could be bad, could it not?
Hope you're feeling better soon.

Unknown said...

another Hound! I hope he doesn't bring you to tears like Oland did!And YAY for Fezzik!

Feel better soon!

Julie said...

Yeah, another hound. That's the majority of rescue dogs in our county: hounds. Blame the hunters.

He's mostly house trained - dogs naturally tend to abstain from using the bathroom in their living space. We've had a few accidents, but he sorta gets the idea that he should only pee outside - we just need to cement it into his hound brain. It's not that bad.
