Saturday, May 09, 2009

Gardening Gone Awry

The weather has been strange today. It was cloudy yet sunny this morning while we were walking dogs, but as I got back to the house with Fezzik the foster dog, the sun dimmed and the clouds took over. Five minutes later the skies opened up in a thunderstorm that lasted about ten minutes.

Another ten minutes after the storm stopped, the clouds were gone and the sun was back, brighter than ever. It has stayed that way all day now, and I decided to get some gardening done. I tied Fezzik out with me and he settled comfortably on the lawn to watch the world go by.

Mark came home from running errands and joined me on the front steps with an offering of Tim Hortons muffins. We weren't halfway through them when the neighbour's dog, a bouncy German Shepherd mix, suddenly came zooming into our yard and pounced playfully on Fezzik. So much for the quarantine.

I could see our neighbour and her daughter making their way over to retrieve their dog. Meanwhile, the two dogs jumped around and played and ran, and Fezzik succeeded in smashing himself into a giant oak tree and knocking down the little neighbour girl by clotheslining her with his rope as he ran past chasing her dog. The little girl and her mother finally corraled their dog and headed home. Fezzik collapsed contentedly on the lawn once more.

It was another couple of minutes before Mark suddenly said "hey, what's that on Fezzik's leg?"

We both looked. It was not good. Fezzik had somehow ripped an ugly gaping gash in his leg. As he lay peacefully on his side in the grass, we could see the meat of his leg in the open wound.

Fezzik didn't seem to mind.

Mark took him into the mudroom while I made rapid phone calls to the rescue group and then to the veterinary hospital. Then the boys bundled into the truck and were on their way to the vet, and as I type I am sitting here at home, with our own two calm dogs, thinking about poor foolish bull-in-a-china-shop Fezzik, who will probably need stitches and (ugh) a cone around his neck.

Send him good thoughts!


Gramma Lannon said...

Oh no poor Fezzik! Hope all goes well at the vet's and it isn't too serious a cut. It's just like having kids - you never know what's around the corner. Give him lots of love at his homecoming.

Unknown said...

I hope his leg is ok. How could he have done it? Clumsey bugger. :)