Saturday, May 02, 2009

Action Jax!

Who would ever have guessed...

that there was a well-kept and highly entertaining little amusement park...

... only 20 minutes from our house?! We're not near any sort of large population base - this is quite unexpected.

Mark's cousin was in the province on family business (the second funeral of Grampa), so after that was done with we brought him up to Bridgetown for a visit. Mark's been sort of talking about going to see this little amusement park for a while now, so with Jamie visiting it was the perfect opportunity.

Some of our friends met up with us there for a while, and y'know what?

It was a lot of fun.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

It was great cisiting with you guys, hope to do it again sooner than later :)

Gramma Lannon said...

omg it took me a minute to realize that was you Julie on the racetrack! And hope your newest puppy is as well behaved as he is cute. :)