On Friday Bridgetown had this little street party to celebrate the lighting of the Christmas tree at Town Hall, and all the stores stayed open for "Midnight Madness" and there was festivity everywhere. We walked down to Town Hall (takes four minutes from our house) and met a neighbour on the way.

There were a bunch of kids arranged on the steps of the Town Hall and the mayor gave a speech and it was just all so cute and quaint! Then they lit the tree and sang carols, and then Mark and I wandered around for a while. We bought Midnight Madness pumpkin pie (a whole one) for two dollars, and I got orange fuzzy socks for one dollar. Mark wanted to enter in the Midnight Madness raffle, and when we finally found the drop-box for the raffle, we found out it was being manned by the local animal rescue group! We had a long talk with those folks and it looks like we're very close to being back in the animal rescue business.

Our land line rang today. It's only rung like three times EVER, so that in itself was an event. A strange woman asked for Mark - what could this be all about? Let me tell you. Mark won the Midnight Madness raffle. BOO-YEAH! He won free pizza from one of the two pizza joints in town.
Life is sweet.
Anyway, I thought I'd try out a list of random questions (I call it a meme; Mark disagrees). Hope you like:
1. What's bothering you right now?
My basement, but only a little. It's the basement of a 106 year old house, so, yeah. It doesn't have proper drainage to the sump pump in some areas, but fortunately that's not too difficult to fix.
2. Do you close the door when you pee?
Almost always.
3. Wallet?
Black, canvas-type fabric, falling apart. I keep my change in it. I hear that lots of people don't.
4. Wallpaper on your computer's desktop?
A picture of Oliver's mouth.

5. Background on your cell phone?
Umm... I just had to go look at it to make sure. It's a tree.
6. Jewelry worn daily?
Wedding ring, which was bought on the internet and smooshed onto my finger in Vegas! Hmm... a watch. I'm obsessed with cheap watches. This one is black plastic with white skulls on it. Five earrings (small gold hoops) and one navel ring.
7. Eyes:
8. Life:
Workin out pretty well, thanks.
9. House:
Oh, the house. It's a compromise from our original plan, but I really like this house. It's comfy.
10. Relationship:
I like him just fine, if that's what you're asking. We get along well. We do lots of things together, but we also have some different interests.
11. ... Doing this weekend?
Going to Truro to pick up the dregs of our belongings from my parents' house.
12. ... Wearing?
Jeans and a blue wool sweater with a blue shirt underneath. And BRIGHT ORANGE FUZZY SOCKS.
13.... Wanting?
To have an excuse to put off scrubbing the walls in my upstairs hallway.
14. Where are you?
Living room.
15. Listening to?
My washing machine and dryer. The dryer sings the AWESOMEST little song when it's finished - does anyone else own an LG dryer? It plays this really long song in a cute little sound that sounds like fairy bells or something.
16. Have you ever kissed anyone named John?
Not that I recall.
17. What do you smell like?
Next question.
18. Eating?
Not eating. Drinking tea.
19. Besides your bed, what is your favorite thing?
The bed is not my favourite thing - why would you imply that? We need to buy a new mattress. I do like this computer, but I share it with Mark.
20. Do you believe in a soul mate?
Not just one. I think there are a number of people that any given person can be incredibly compatible with. Not like all at once in the Mormon sense, but if you happen to come across one of them when the timing is right, it works out well.
21. Do you sleep naked?
No. I am usually COLD when I get into bed.
22. Do you remember your dreams?
Not very often.
23. Do you believe dreams come true?
Sure, why not.
24. Do you believe in miracles?
25. Do you burn easily in the sun?
I'd say I'm about average in the burniness department, which is strange because I'm well above average in the paleness department.
26. Do you speak another language other than English?
Not fluently. I have a bit of Spanish and French, and a teensy smidgeon of Japanese. Neat story: we moved to the big city of Toronto after university and I got a job at the corporate headquarters of a big real estate company. I was an administrative person for a department of like six high-up mucky-mucks in the company. One of those people was a dear old Japanese man named Kenji. I met him when the other administrator was taking me on a tour on my first day of work. She introduced us and I bowed and told him that it was a pleasure to meet him for the first time - in Japanese!! He automatically bowed back and responded in kind, then looked at the other girl all taken-aback and twinkly-eyed. She looked at him and said "I didn't know she was going to do that!" and it was all very cute and I went on with my day. The next day, everyone knew that I'd spoken Japanese to Kenji, even though I hadn't mentioned it to anyone. It was the BEST first impression I ever made.
Also, Kenji couldn't pronounce my name correctly and called me "Jewie". He was the coolest person in that office.
27. What's something you wish you could understand better?
Human nature. I'm not good with people.
28. What did you do last weekend?
Went to "the city" to get massive amounts of new house stuff, groceries, and building supplies. Got overwhelmend by the day and totally didn't call my friend Kristie to see if she wanted to have a coffee or something (she lives in the city). Sorry Kristie.
29. Who do you miss?
I miss a few very sweet friends that we left in Victoria, BC. You know who you are, and I expect you to visit within the next two years.
I also miss Moses sometimes.
30. Have you ever been in a fashion show?
No, but I have been a jewelry model at a live auction. I got to wear a white lab coat and jewelry that was worth many, many hundreds of thousands of dollars.
31. Orange or apple juice?
Depends on my mood. I like them both.
32. Who were the last people you went somewhere with?
Does Mark count? I went on a walk with him just this morning. If he doesn't count, I went to city hall for the tree-lighting ceremony with two of our neighbours. We were just all walking in the same direction so we followed them and we introduced ourselves and talked while walking. I really hope they didn't find it creepy or weird. (See? I'm not good with people.)
33. What was the last text message you received?
Most likely from my cell phone company, telling me how many of my monthly minutes I've used up. For some reason, they'll say "you've used all of your minutes for this month" and then they add at the end of the message to "Keep talkin!" And I find that kind of mean.
34. Last text message you sent?
Hmm err jeez... Probably to Kristie? Weeks ago? I'm not really down with texting.
35. Last time you ate a home grown tomato?
I ate chow made from Mark's mother's tomatoes like two weeks ago. I had an actual tomato from that very same garden during the summer.
36. What is the closest thing to you that is blue?
My clothes. Or maybe my blood. I guess that's closer.
37. What was the last thing you ate?
Tabouli salad, Hummus, pitas, and samosas for lunch.
38. Last person you hugged?
Oh come on. You know the answer.
39. Who's house did you go to last night?
40. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
My awesome cousin, who is the same age as me. Like it wasn't enough that she's diabetic, blind, and needs hip surgery, she also happened to come down with skin cancer a couple of months back and needed surgery and a skin graft. This proves that life is NOT FAIR because she's a really great person and doesn't do anything to invite debilitating diseases.
41. Do you like someone right now?
Like as in the fourth grade tee hee kind of like? Or like as in yeah I like Ian just fine and he should come visit even if we aren't unpacked?
42. What do you wear more, slacks, jeans or sweatpants?
43. What is the last movie you watched?
Futurama: Bender's Game. The best Futurama movie to date.
44. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
I got my sweater from Value Village. I love that place.
45. Coach Purse or NFL game tickets?
What kind of crap question is that? Which of these items sells for more on Ebay? I'll take that one.
46. Why did you kiss the last person you did?
This is a stupid question and I refuse to answer it.
47. Do you believe that you can change someone?
If by "someone" you mean "me", yes. If by "someone" you mean "anyone other than me", no. Unless I chop off someone's hand or cripple them in a car accident. I guess that would change a person, technically speaking.
48. Do you want something you can't have?
We all want something we can't have. That's part of why life is so interesting. One of the big somethings that I can't have at the moment is an acceptable house on a large rural treed acreage in Nova Scotia. Another big something that I can't have is pizza for dinner every single day. But I still want it.
49. If you could be buried or have your ashes spread anywhere at all, where would it be?
I'd like the medical people to use my parts for whatever they need to use me for, and then I want to be wrapped in some burlap or something and carried into the nearest large forest and left there.
50. Are you a leader or a follower?
I'm that person who's off to the side doing their own thing while the leader is preaching and the followers are listening.
Okay, that's all the questions. You still there? Since I haven't done this before, I asked Mark if he thought it would be interesting for you guys to read or not. He said it was good, because there was stuff about him in there, and that's why everyone reads this blog. To find out about him.
He doesn't say much, but when he does, ...um... anyway. He was joking, I think.