Monday, June 14, 2010

Bright Blue

Everyone's been whining about the lack of updates around here. I don't leave you hanging very often now, do I? SUCK IT UP. Naw, I don't mean that. Thanks for being loyal fans. I've been working more hours than usual, and Mark's been working more hours than usual, and there have been a million projects to do around here, and non-stop foster dogs until yesterday. Writing has just not happened, until now.

We said goodbye to Hope, the formerly feral dog, on the weekend. Her new family was so excited to take her home that her dad forgot her medication, then his wallet, and then his car keys in our house before he finally made it to the car with her.

The trim finally got painted on the house! Here's what it looks like now.

No, wait, this is what it looks like except the roof is half-ripped-off right now. WHEN WILL IT END??!

The weather has been fabulous lately and lots of things in the yard are blooming. Arlo tried to play with this guy in the picture below, but I shooed him away.

We LOVE our yard this year. It's fully fenced now, so all the dogs hang out with us as we dig in the garden, paint things, eat at the picnic table, and just relax while listening to birds during the day, and peepers in the evening.


1 comment:

Peppermint Patty said...

Finally! New post! With lotsa pics! Thanks. :)

(Is it truly a terrible thing to be pressured by your readers for more??)