I took the Jung Typology Test today. It tells you what traits make up your personality. The title given to my particular combination of traits (INTJ - Introversion, iNtuition, Thinking, Judgment) is "Mastermind".

It takes less than five minutes - go take the test! Come back and comment, or email me, and tell me what you are. We can have fun making fun of each other.
(Personal note to someone who reads this blog but shall remain nameless: I am indeed an INTROVERT. In fact, I got an 89% in that category. When I say I'm uncomfortable socializing with the vast, vast army of people who are your friends and distant relatives, I'm not just being difficult.)
In other news, I've made a bit of a leap in the animal rescue world. Although I am not a "small dog person" in particular, I do own two small dogs. I also became involved with the small dog rescue groups that are active around here a few months ago, but it really, really hasn't worked very well. The two active groups here are both based like a thousand miles away in another province. (I cut ties with one of them a few months ago and told you briefly about it here). I don't know what the hell the people in charge of these groups are thinking, but I wince every time I hear about some sort of decision they've made.
Like, when we fostered that Shih-Tzu puppy. A family applied to adopt him, but oops, would not be ready to actually own a dog for at least a month. The group approved the adoption (!!) with no input from me, and told (not asked) me to just keep the dog hanging around for another month until the people were ready.
I told them there was a dog in my local pound that I needed to take, as there are no other foster homes available to get dogs out of the pound during cold weather, but I was told that since I had the little Shih-Tzu, I was not allowed to foster for my other group at the same time. My other group would have been fine with it. So the dog, MJ, was expected to rot in the pound or be euthanized while I provided free babysitting service for A MONTH for this potential adoptive family that was not yet ready to adopt.
Then? Then? The approved adoptive family wasn't ready at the end of the month after all, and asked for more time. I suggested that we either ask the people to put him in paid boarding, or move on to another family who was actually ready to adopt, since we'd received multiple applications for this dog. Nope. Apparently there is free dog boarding at my house, and apparently I'm good enough to raise a puppy and buy his food, but not good enough to have input into the adoption process at all.
So yesterday, out of the blue, the president of that group sends out a condescending email to everyone that said a LOT of stuff that I won't get into because this is a blog; not a novel. Okay, just one thing: she chastised everyone for trying to adopt foster dogs out too quickly. The quality of the adoptive homes was fine, and all vet work has always been completed beforehand; it's just that we're adopting them out too fast. Mmkay. Do you KNOW how many homeless dogs there are out there?
It makes no sense to me, and seems quite counter-productive. The awful thing is, EVERYTHING they decree seems to make no sense and seems quite counter-productive. Then, we get long emails like the one from yesterday that make us feel like we're schoolchildren who have been caught passing notes in class. We're told that all the work we're doing to rescue dogs is breaking "the rules" in various ways, and that these "issues" needed to be "addressed" by us all following the long list of seemingly arbitrary rules, despite the fact that everyone in Nova Scotia is scrambling to deal with an influx of small dogs in the rescue system, and that following the (unhelpful) rules means that some dogs don't get rescued.
Yeah, I shared my thoughts with her in an email, then I quit the group, then I started my own small dog rescue group. Everyone that is/was a member of the other group and lives in Nova Scotia promptly joined. They were all pretty fed up with the mean emails/power trips, and some of them had also resigned after reading that latest email from on high.
I didn't really WANT to organize a small dog rescue group, but there are none based in Nova Scotia so it kind of makes sense.
Call me crazy. I know that's what you're already thinking anyway.