Saturday, August 22, 2009

How Could We Say No?

We'll be taking care of this tiny kitten for the next month, if she lives. She is about four days old now and was found in a wood pile. We've named her Minerva.

We still have the other three young feral kitties at the moment, but they are leaving tomorrow. They are no longer sick and space has opened up for them in a room of other kittens that are up for adoption.

The little lady of the bunch, June Bug, looks a bit uncertain here:

... but what kitten in its right mind can resist a camera cord:

She's so feminine and cute.

And Crosby here, well he has the attitude. Perhaps because he is older than the other two, he feels he can beat everyone else up.

He's such a punk.

And of course Cricket, the blue-eyed heartbreaker of the trio.

It's a good think they're all so cute, because man are they stinky.

(... but still cute.)


Taras said...

Ellen says the last one would make a great hat. It has a beautiful coat.

Unknown said...

I raised a kitten about Minerva's age once. We fed him cat food mashed up with milk and injected him with an eyedropper. His tummy would get all fat and he couldn't move, and then we'd make him sleep in a box and his tummy would shrink again.

Keep on rocking.

Unknown said...

I have kittens at my place right now too. Semi ferals. My room mate is fostering them for Bev. They remind me of the ones you have/had. Dexter (aka Dextrose because he LOVES sweets) is all black and sweet and inquizative but cautious, Artimus has markings similar to the black and white one you have and also has the most attitude. He thinks he is tough and hisses when you try to pick him up still. Then there is Avery. She is a silver tabby mostly but with a hint of dilute torti in her. She is very pretty but she is the older one of the 3 by a week or 2. She is more shy and is taking longer to come around. She does a lot more hiding than the boys and is quicker with the flight instinct. But with a lot of time she will be a great family cat.

Good luck with Minerva. She is she sleeping with you in your room since you have to feed her so frequently?