Monday, November 09, 2009

Chillin' at Middle Beach

The nerd conference is ramping up into high gear. We spent the first day here in Tofino helping Mark’s boss prepare everything, and now every employee and a number of selected clients have arrived and we have taken up residence in a secluded lodge at the Middle Beach Resort.

It’s a strange mix of computer talk, real estate talk, poker, and drinking. There’s lots of free time to lounge around or walk on the beach though, so apart from some internet connectivity problems it’s all very pleasant here.

Mark's co-worker's 16 year old daughter Haley has set up her room as a refuge from nerd talk. There's an open invitation to all the non-nerd girls to crash there when we have to get away - she even made a sign. It says "Princess Room - Girls only. Males will be shot if caught entering room."

The weather has been surprisingly pleasant and we've had a few long and relaxing walks on the beaches already. We discovered some great tidal pools so I'll have to take my camera down there later.

For now, though, it's time to call our friends who are taking care of our dogs, and then go laze around somewhere.

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