Saturday, October 17, 2009


I haven't been posting much lately, and it's because there's just been a lot of negative stuff going on around us. I like to post happy things and not tell you all the tragic things, so keep this in mind: I'm telling you a few crappy things below, but I am leaving out a few sad and disturbing things.

EmmyLou Hairless - beloved pet pig of Chani and Captain D. - died today, due to complications related to an abscess on her leg. We sent Chani out of town and Mark and I went out to be with Captain D. when it all went down. Let me tell you, veterinary practice on large farm animals is veeerrrry different from the cat-and-dog stuff that most of us are used to. It was a pretty intense day but it's over. I left a bouquet of wildflowers on her grave. I will not answer any questions about this on the blog.

On top of that, recent events include:

  • Nay and Jay's dog is dying from a rare and aggressive form of cancer at the age of six.
  • Mark and I caused the implosion of the Atlantic chapter of a nationwide breed-specific dog rescue group.
  • We thought we had someone to (FINALLY) put our new siding on our house just in time for winter, but they got just as flaky as the last guy and kind of halfway backed out of doing it. It's not done. It will probably not get done this year.
  • I'm sick.
  • Mark's getting sick.
  • October sucks.
I'm not depressed, so don't worry. It's not been a great month but there ARE nice things happening too - I'll post a happier post soon!


Unknown said...

Yeah, total suck. hope things get better.

Unknown said...

Hey lady! I used you enough times to vent and tell my tales of woe is my turn to return the favour of someone to listen to. Call or email me. I'm sure it will all get better soon! If it is so sucky, then it can only go up from here.

BTW I am interested in knowing the details on the implosion of the breed specific rescue. Take care and get your vitamin C and all that other shit.