Saturday, May 03, 2008

More Nothing

Still no Bill.

Heather left around dawn and I don't expect to see her until after dark today. Today the search party is doing one of those things where they all walk in a big line next to each other, covering a grid of land completely. All the police and dog teams and search and rescue and scary looking swat team guys are gone, and it's up to the local fire department from here on in to keep the search organized.

We might leave tomorrow, as today is probably the last day that as many people as possible are needed at the search all day. It's been a pretty intense place to be for a few days and we've been trying to be helpful in our own little way by at least taking care of the animals for Heather.

If we leave tomorrow we will just head north with no plan. Here's all the planning we've done for between here and Nova Scotia:

  • eat lobster in Maine,
  • stop at a particular duty-free store to get rum for my dad. (Hi dad!)
That's it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is a through New Hampshire and Vermont through the White and Green Mountains. I hear that they are suppose to be nice (although I think it's likely more true in the fall). But lobster in Maine is a must!! :-)