Saturday, January 05, 2008


WARNING: Skip this post if easily bored. Nothing too exciting here. Maybe just look at the random "Vancouver Island" pictures I've put in.

We have a month left before we leave British Columbia. I will miss my job at the SPCA and we will both miss our island friends, but other than that neither of us has any regrets.

Suddenly there is lots to do and our departure looms closer every day. A few days ago Mark installed our solar panel onto the truck's canopy. We opted not to install it on the "Yukon Ho" (the Boler's name, remember?) because, well, Boler roofs are round and solar panels are flat. It wouldn't have worked out so well, I don't think.

We are awaiting our travel insurance documents, which are in the mail, and have already received our WWOOF membership and info book. I have four pages of instructions written out for the care and feeding of our dogs while we're gone, and the flight for Arlo is turning out to be sticky, but we're figuring it out.

We have started to pack up our belongings and sort them into three piles: the "mail to Nova Scotia" pile, the "garbage" pile, and the "give away to friends or charity" pile.

If anyone living on Vancouver Island wants some furniture, kitchen appliances and/or utensils, et cetera, et cetera, give me a shout. We've got lots to give away. We got rid of all our books at a charity book drive this morning.

Our friends have informed us that they are throwing us a non-surprise party the weekend before we leave. I feel loved!

I'm putting some pictures of the island in this post - a sort of a salute and farewell to this place we've been living in. It's really beautiful.

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