Sunday, August 12, 2007

Vacation approacheth

Our Yukon trip is exactly two weeks away.

We don't have an ironclad itinerary and we like it that way. We'll leave Victoria on Saturday and plan on arriving in Prince George on Sunday afternoon/evening to spend some time with Mark's brother Matt and his family.

Really, other than that, nothing's concrete. We're hoping to eventually make it to Dawson City and spend a few days there. I'm sure adventures will find us on the road whether we plan them or not. What do you think we can count on? shops...bears...deer...immature photographing of suggestive signs or random objects...we're hoping for some northern lights. Lots of hiking and of course camping in the Boler!

Oliver is ready for his northern trip:

And before you say anything amusing, don't. He gets so cold he shivers on cool summer nights, so extra warmth is a necessity for him. He weighs six whole pounds, has got almost no fur, almost no body fat, and therefore, he's accumulating a wardrobe. So just shuddup about it, okay? No, I'm not sensitive about it. Are we gonna have to stop talking to each other, or are you gonna change the subject already? Fine.

we bought "The Milepost", which is literally a mile-by-mile guide of northern BC, Yukon, and Alaska. (Do you say "The Yukon", or just "Yukon"? I'm not sure. And also, "Dawson City", or just "Dawson"? I'll tell you after we get back.) We've been leafing through the guide and I'm sure it'll come in handy as we travel.

Should be fun. I'm too tired to feel excited about it though - it was crazy at work today. Maybe tomorrow.

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