Thursday, May 17, 2007

Spring is here

Savings goal: SAVED!! We celebrated by ordering in some Chinese food for supper.

Now we are saving for :

1. Living expenses here until February,
2. Trip to Mexico & back expenses.

We haven't made any sort of budget for these things. I guess we'll just keep working until one of us says "hey, why are we still working?" Whatever. It's casual.

I am happy to report that the Boler has weathered out the crap-tacular fiasco known as "winter" here on this island with no visible damage of any sort. I swear, the weathermen are not needed here for six months out of the year. Sometime in early November they should just say " we're expecting sunshine, and on Tuesday it'll be sun and clouds in the morning followed by about six months of overcast drizzle" and then they should go on vacation in Hawaii.

What was I talking about? Right, the Boler. When we first got him we put a tarp over him and put some stuff inside that sucks moisture out of the air, and he weathered the storms perfectly. We're gonna leave the tarp on for the time being and Mark has promised to make a play-date with our friend Jeff to fix the wiring for the tail-lights, and then we'll have to start thinking about the trip to the Yukon.

K that's all for now.

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