Getting Back on Track
We went to my Grandmother's funeral last week. Mark was a Pall Bearer and was scared for some reason that he would fall down. He did not.
Mark was sick before we left on the long drive to Cape Breton, and by the time we were driving back, I was sick too. We both have a long-lived, miserable, energy-draining sort of mild flu. Congested sinuses, headaches, weakness, runny noses, hurty lungs, the usual wonderful assortment.
By the time I started to feel better, after being away and then being too sick to deal with very much, my house was unrecognizable. Visible piles of dirt, dog hair, and dust coated the floor. The kitchen was overflowing with dirty dishes. Papers, clothes, and other assorted debris covered every flat surface. To top it all off, my back had been hurting for about a week and I couldn't lift anything bigger than a cat. Laundry baskets were impossible, and the vacuum would have to wait. I swept, and my back twinged.
Slowly, things are righting themselves. My back is 95% better (even when I lift things), my flu is about 80% gone, and room by room, the house is returning to a somewhat un-embarrassing state.
Life is a series of chaotic events. I keep expecting it not to be, but that's what keeps happening. It's good to be feeling somewhat healthy again though, and when the clutter in my house is dealt with, I will feel even better. Time to go clean.