When we went on our road trip from Vancouver Island to Mexico to Nova Scotia, we took a lot of "us" pictures by holding the camera at arms length and pointing at ourselves. Here they are, in chronological order.
This one is from our first day of travel, on the ferry from Victoria, BC to Port Angeles, Washington:

Also from the first day - this is a beach in Washington state:

Another beach, this one in Oregon. Oregon coast beaches are AMAZING, by the way:

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco:

Walker Lake, Nevada. Huge lake in the middle of the desert. We saw a Jackalope there. (Or possibly a rabbit.):

Next four are from Death Valley, where we got really camera-happy:

Grand Canyon, beautiful tourist trap:

Roadkill Cafe on Route 66 in Arizona. Their motto: "You kill it, we grill it":

Grand Canyon Caverns, a cave system near the Grand Canyon that nobody seems to know about. It's as good as (or better than) the Grand Canyon though, so if you're ever in the area, check it out:

Lake Havasu City, Arizona, the town that bought the London Bridge from England:

Outside our hotel in Las Vegas:

On Fremont Street in Las Vegas, watching the light show:

The White Sands desert in New Mexico. You have to drive along the perimeter of a gigantic missile testing range for a long time to get to this place. The sand is REALLY, REALLY white here. Like pure white - you have to see it to believe it:

This next one was taken inside a home-made "alien black-light exhibit" that we were suckered into paying $2 each to see in Roswell, New Mexico. It was not worth $2.

Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico. (Not as good as the Grand Canyon Caverns.) I'm not sure why we look so shell-shocked, but here it is:

Downtown New Orleans:

In the back yard of Elvis Presley's house. Graceland, Memphis, Tennessee:

In the woods at the Museum of Appalachia near Knoxville, Tennessee:

In front of an atomic bomb at the "American Museum of Science and Energy", which should really be called the "American Defensive Museum that makes Excuses for Nuking Japan":

The third and final cavern that we visited: Luray Caverns, Virginia. Definitely the prettiest cave of the three that we saw on our trip:

Hersheypark in Hershey, Pennsylvania:

The Martin Guitar Factory - the second guitar factory that Mark made me go to on our road trip:

I kind of noticed when sorting these pictures that we only really did "us" shots when we were on the move. When we stopped and spent time in one spot, like in Mexico and at Porcupine Hill Farm, there were no "us" shots. Analyze that and tell me what it means.
Also, it's time for audience participation. I kept wanting to write more about particular places and/or pictures while doing this post, but this wasn't the right post for long, involved stories. If any of these pictures or places seem neat to you, leave a comment and I'll expand on what you're interested in. I promise I'll make it as funny as possible.